Drainage basin of the Niger River (Wikicommons - Wizardist)
complexity was more advanced, and cognitive demands higher, in West African
societies that benefited from trade via the Niger River. This was especially
true for the Igbo of the Niger Delta, who dominated trade between the coast and
the interior.
have identified thousands of genes whose alleles are associated with cognitive
ability, i.e., the capacity to process information, to recognize patterns, and
to solve problems (Lee et al., 2018). By finding out which alleles are present
on an individual’s genome, we can make an estimate of that person’s cognitive
ability, and that estimate will show a high correlation with performance on
tests in mathematics, reading, and science (r = 0.8). The same method can
provide an estimate of a population’s mean cognitive ability, and that estimate
will show a high correlation with the population’s mean IQ (r = 0.9) (Piffer,
this method, the anthropologist Davide Piffer has estimated the mean cognitive
ability of several West African populations. Mean cognitive ability seems to
increase as you go from west to east, being lowest among the Mende of Sierra
Leone and progressively higher among Gambians, the Esan of Nigeria, and the
Yoruba of Nigeria. The Yoruba have almost the same mean as do African
Americans, who are nonetheless 20% European by ancestry (Piffer, 2021, see
Figure 7).
geographic pattern seems to reflect differences in societal development. From
the fourth century onward, West African societies became more complex in the
north and the east, i.e., within the drainage basin of the Niger. As trade
along that river increased in volume and value, villages grew into towns, and
social relations became more varied and complex. This social complexity was
both a cause and effect of trade. As powerful individuals acquired the
materials they needed to erect buildings, create works of art, and hold
ceremonies to legitimize their rule, they became even more powerful and, thus,
better able to purchase such materials. Social complexity was thus driven by a
positive feedback loop: elite buying power led to an increase in trade, which
in turn led to an increase in elite buying power (Frost, 2022; McIntosh
and McIntosh, 1988, p. 123).
social relations became more varied and complex in settlements along the Niger,
those populations had to cope with a heavier cognitive workload. The demands of
farming were giving way to those of craft production, urban architecture, and
long-distance trade. Numeracy and literacy were becoming important, as were
skills for manipulation and assemblage of various materials. Did that new
social environment select for an increase in cognitive ability?
of high cognitive ability is especially strong among the Igbo people (formerly
the Ibo), who live at the Niger’s mouth and who have historically dominated
trade between the coast and the interior (Frost, 2022). Their children excel at
school not only in Nigeria but also in overseas communities, such as those of
the United Kingdom. They do exceptionally well on the GCSE (Chisala, 2015).
addition to high cognitive ability, the Igbo are said to have a certain
mindset: “the Ibo have a greater achievement motivation and are more willing to
explore new avenues of power than either the Yoruba or the Hausa.” They have “a
general belief in the possibility, indeed necessity, of manipulating one’s
world; of determining one’s own destiny; of ‘getting up’ in the world” (Slater,
1983). The earliest European observers, from the eighteenth century,
described them as “competitive, individualistic, status-conscious,
antiauthoritarian, pragmatic, and practical—a people with a strongly developed
commercial sense” (Mullin, 1994, p. 286).
thus seems to select for higher cognitive ability, either directly through new
cognitive demands (i.e., pricing, bargaining, accounting) or indirectly through
a resulting increase in social complexity. This has been the case not only
among the Igbo but also among the Ashkenazi Jews, the Parsis, and other trading
peoples (Cochran et al., 2006; Frost, 2012; Frost, 2021). As these
peoples became specialized in trade, over the past millennium or so, they
appear to have experienced a sharp rise in mean cognitive ability. These
examples of recent evolutionary change support the view that mental and
behavioral evolution did not stop back in the Pleistocene, anymore than the
evolution of outward physical traits like skin color or body shape. Cognitive
ability continued to evolve into the time of recorded history, albeit to
different extents in different human groups (Cochran and Harpending,
2009; Hawks et al., 2007; Rinaldi, 2017).
Shell vessel with leopard from Igbo-Ukwu, Nigeria, ninth century (Wikicommons). This bronze artefact, like others from the same site, has an unusually high silver content with only traces of zinc, an alloy not used in Europe or the Middle East at that time. Ancestral Igbo thus seem to have developed metallurgy on their own (McIntosh and McIntosh, 1988, pp. 120-121).
aim is to test the hypothesis that mean cognitive ability increased to a
greater extent in those populations that were closer to the Niger, particularly
the Igbo at the Niger’s mouth, where trade led to greater social complexity and
higher cognitive demands during precolonial times.
this study, mean cognitive ability can be estimated from genomic data,
specifically from alleles associated with educational attainment (Edu PGS). The
alleles identified to date are only a fraction of all those that play a role in
cognitive ability, but we have identified enough of them to produce reliable
estimates of mean cognitive ability within a population. With the help of data
from history and prehistory, we could then outline the trajectories that mean
cognitive ability has followed in different West African populations.
these hypothetical trajectories could be verified by retrieving and examining
aDNA from archaeological sites throughout West Africa. It would be particularly
interesting to determine when mean cognitive ability began to increase among
ancestral Igbo, and how fast it increased. That research aim may be
unrealistic, however, given the degradation of DNA in hot climates.
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But what would be the avg IQ of these populations?? And the type of cognitive profile, more verbal skewed?
I would say over a hundred, but I have no IQ data, just data on school achievement. Anecdotal data would suggest high verbal ability, as would be expected in a population with a high participation in trade.
Steven Pinker wishes he was you! Love you Peter mi amor happy Valentines Day! Just kidding! :)
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