do West African immigrants outperform native-born whites in UK schools? This is
the question posed by Chanda Chisala using data from the GCSE, the General
Certificate of Secondary Education.
be sure, the GCSE is not the same as an IQ test. For most subjects it includes
things like coursework and attendance. The test-taker is also motivated by
self-interest: a high GCSE score can be a ticket to a good university and a
good job. Nonetheless, Thompson (2013) has argued that the GCSE has a
correlation of 0.81 with IQ. So perhaps the two are roughly equivalent.
look at the GCSE results from England for 2012. They are indeed astounding for
immigrant children from English-speaking Africa. Just look at the percentage
difference from the mean by country of origin:
Nigerians -+21.8 Ghanaians -+5.5 Sierra Leone - +1.4
Source: Chisala (2019)
academic excellence seems to be unusually concentrated among Nigerian
immigrants. Are we looking at our friends from the Niger delta? Often known as
the "Jews of West Africa," the Igbo have a long record of academic
and economic success. This has been attributed to their openness to Western
learning and the commercial opportunities it creates, although the Igbo were,
in fact, a trading nation long before the colonial era (Frost 2015). They
became receptive to Western learning because they had long been receptive to
learning in general, much like the Japanese during the Meiji era.
(2015) provides an ethnic breakdown of GCSE results for the years 2009 to 2011:
Igbo - 100%, Yoruba - 39% 2010:
Igbo - 80%, Yoruba - 68% 2011:
Igbo - 76%, Yoruba - 75%
Igbo started off as top achievers, but their lead evaporated over the next two
years as the Yoruba made remarkable gains. There were 90 Yoruba kids, so
sampling error could hardly explain their increase from 39% to 75%. Because the
Igbo kids numbered only 16, the decrease from 100% to 76% might not be
the Yoruba kids got better coaching and tutoring. Whatever the explanation,
GCSE cannot be used as a proxy for IQ, at least not for Nigerians. Yes, IQ can
change over the course of a lifespan, but not that fast and not that much—unless
you suffer a serious accident.
Exam malpractice
are less innocent explanations for the rapid rise in Yoruba scores. A study of
students in Nigeria found that test-retest reliability ranged from 77 to 85%
(Petters and Okon 2014). The authors blame the low test reliability on
cheating, calling it "a plague":
malpractice in Nigeria has attained a frightening proportion and it is becoming
more sophisticated as years pass by. Efforts by government and stakeholders to
curtail this trend have not yielded much success. If this trend is not given an
urgent attention, it may utterly destroy the quality of education in Nigeria.
et al. (2009) come to similar conclusions:
implication of this study is that the cheating tendency is becoming endemic in
Nigerian society. A situation where one in every four students tends to cheat
in every examination calls for a significant moral questioning of our society.
Even with a high level of supervision, as the results show, students are still
prone to indulge in cheating behaviour.
their review of the literature, Bisong et al. (2009) note that "in 1980,
out of the 190,000 candidates who sat the West African Examination Certificate
in May and June, 46,000 candidates from Nigeria had their results nullified."
Cheating is partly due to Nigerian parents, who understand the value of
academic success and push their children to get good grades "by all
expect nothing less than passing in examination from their children. There must
not be failure. That is to say that he who fails is not entertained in any way.
Where there is weakness or a psychological measure that one is not prepared to
pass the examination, then fear begins to disturb the minds of students as to
how to make it. This leads to serious reading throughout the night, pressing
lectures for areas of concentration and arranging to enter the examination hall
with every possible means to cheat during the examination. (Halima 2003, p. 17)
(2003, p. 19) notes the harshness of penalties for cheating: "in 1983 the
punishment for cheating was increased to a jail term of 21 years without the
option for fine. In spite of this cheating in examination increased."
cognitive elite?
has been argued, notably by Greg Cochran, that Nigerian immigrants are skimmed
from the top of their country's IQ distribution (Cochran 2019). They are the
best that Nigeria has to offer—la crème
de la crème. To make that argument work, however, Nigerian immigrants to
the UK would have to be much smarter than the average Nigerian, with an IQ more
than one standard deviation higher and probably two.
is only a rough consensus on the mean IQ of sub-Saharan Africa. In their review
of the literature, Wicherts et al. (2010) argue for a mean of 82, whereas Lynn
(2010) puts it at 66. Rindermann (2013) favors a "best guess" of 75.
Even if we take the high estimate of 82, we must still assume extreme selection
to get a mean IQ above 100. Is that a reasonable assumption?Elite individuals exist among immigrants from
Nigeria, but they are not the majority:
the Nigerian diaspora is by no means homogenous. There are those who struggle
for basic means of survival such as car park attendants, cleaners and other
menial workers working long hours to make ends meet. But some professionals
have distinguished themselves and moved on to become members of the Black
middle class. (Akinrinade and Ogen 2011)
some doubt may be cast on the credentials of middle-class Nigerians: "they
have acquired a notorious reputation for arrogance and fraud" (Akinrinade
and Ogen 2011). Finally, the cognitive elite argument fails to explain why
immigrants from Nigeria do so much better than those from Ghana and Sierra
Math scores
many GCSE components, there is much room for cheating, particularly on
coursework. But what about the mathematics component? GCSE math has not had
coursework since 2009. It is simply a timed test. How can one cheat on a timed
impersonation. A "ghost" who knows the subject takes the exam by
impersonating the student, and the actual student never takes the exam (Azuka
2014). This method requires a photo ID that combines the ghost's photo with the
test-taker's name. In most cases, the fake ID is sufficient to dispel any
whatever reason, the GCSE is too volatile to be used as a proxy for IQ,
particularly in the case of Nigerian students. The volatility seems to be due
to cheating, as well as to the grey area of coaching and tutoring services.
Cheating is rife among Nigerians in Nigeria, and it would be naïve to suppose
that such behavior disappears once they relocate to another country, especially
if their new country imposes none of the harsh penalties that are regularly imposed
in Nigeria.
academic achievement may be genuine in some cases. This is particularly so with
respect to the Igbo, who have a longstanding record of achievement within and
outside school. Unfortunately, genuine ability can be cofounded with fake
ability. Smart people are better at gaming the system and making themselves
look smarter than they really are.
I can't help wondering when I look at the GCSE results for Igbo students in
2009. Every single Igbo got a perfect score—that's unusual even for a smart
population and even with a sample size that small. Chanda suggests that
year-to-year fluctuations might have made the sample even smaller in that year.
Well, perhaps.
would be easy to say that we need more data. Additional GCSE results, however,
will be just as distorted by academic fraud. We need data from real IQ tests
that provide no incentive for cheating.
E.B. (2014). Academic Fraud among Students in Higher Education in Nigeria:Reasons,
Methods Adopted and Strategies to curb it. Journal
of Educational and Social Research 4(3): 289-296. https://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/2725
J.S., and M.O. Okon. (2014). Students' Perception of Causes and Effects of
Examination Malpractice in the Nigerian Educational System: The Way Forward for
Quality Education. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences 114: 125-129 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187704281305310X
people. Northwest Europeans are more individualistic, less loyal to kin, and
more trusting of strangers. (Wikicommons)
Europeans are WEIRD ... as in Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and
Democratic. These traits are in turn associated with certain behavioral and
psychological characteristics: "People from these societies tend to be
more individualistic, independent, and impersonally prosocial (e.g., trusting
of strangers) while revealing less conformity and in-group loyalty" (Schulz
et al. 2019).
a recent study, Schulz et al. (2019) argue that WEIRDness is a heritage of
Western Christianity: the branch of the Christian faith that gradually evolved
into Roman Catholicism and, later, Protestantism: "we propose that the
Western Church's transformation of European kinship, by promoting small,
nuclear households, weak family ties, and residential mobility, fostered
greater individualism, less conformity, and more impersonal prosociality."
relations are indeed different north and west of a line running approximately
from Trieste to St. Petersburg, Everyone is single for at least part of
adulthood, and many stay single their entire lives. In addition, households
often have non-kin members, and children usually leave the nuclear family to
form new households (Hajnal, 1965; ICA, 2013; Laslett, 1977). This is the
Western European Marriage Pattern (WEMP), and there is an extensive literature
on it going back to work by John Hajnal.
Was the Western
Church a cause or an effect?
et al. (2019) stress the role of the Western Church in creating the WEMP,
particularly by banning consanguineous marriages. The ban came about because
"the Church had become obsessed with incest."
isn't the whole story. Even before Christianity, Roman Civil Law
forbade marriages within four degrees of consanguinity. The number was
increased from four to seven in 732 by Pope Gregory III, but in this he was
following similar bans among the newly converted Germanic peoples. The
mid-seventh century Visigothic Code proclaimed that "it shall not be
lawful to defile the blood of such as are related even to the sixth degree,
either by marriage or otherwise" (McCann 2010, p. 57). In the early ninth
century, the Church changed its way of calculating degrees of kinship by
adopting the Germanic system. Under the old Roman system, first cousins were
considered fourth degree; the Germanic system made them second degree. This
change had the effect of doubling the number of ineligible marriage partners
(McCann 2010, pp. 57-58).
et al. (2019, p. 2) assume that the WEMP postdates these prohibitions against cousin
marriage: "by 1500 CE (and centuries earlier in some regions), much of
Europe was characterized by a virtually unique configuration of weak
(nonintensive) kinship marked by monogamous nuclear households, bilateral
descent, late marriage, and neolocal residence." Actually, no one really
knows when this pattern arose. As we go farther back in time, we have less
demographic data to work with, but the same pattern still appears in the little
we do have. In thirteenth-century Lincolnshire before the Black Death, households
were already nuclear and a late age of first marriage was the norm, being 24 for the woman and 32 for the
man (Hallam 1985, p. 66). In ninth-century France, two surveys show that
households were small and nuclear among married people and that 12 to 16% of
the adult population were unmarried (Hallam 1985, p. 56). A third survey shows
that both men and women were marrying in their mid to late twenties; (Seccombe
1992, p. 94). Admittedly, the earliest data are limited to France, hence the
authors' caveat "centuries earlier in some regions," but France was
hardly an outlier in the demographic evolution of northwest Europe.
demographic data are too fragmentary to produce firm conclusions. Furthermore,
the data usually concern elite males who typically took much younger brides. Nonetheless, in the general population we see some evidence of first marriages at late ages. The first-century Roman historian Tacitus
wrote about the Germanic tribes: "Late comes love to the young men, and
their first manhood is not enfeebled; nor for the girls is there any hot-house
forcing; they pass their youth in the same way as the boys" (Tacitus Germania 20). Julius Caesar made the
same observation:
who have remained chaste for the longest time, receive the greatest
commendation among their people: they think that by this the growth is
promoted, by this the physical powers are increased and the sinews are
strengthened. And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year
they reckon among the most disgraceful acts; of which matter there is no
concealment, because they bathe promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use
skins or small cloaks of deers' hides, a large portion of the body being in
consequence naked. (Caesar De Bello
Gallico 6: 21)
direction of causality may thus run in the other direction. The WEMP does not
exist because the Western Church diverged from the Eastern Church on the issue
of consanguineous marriage. Rather, this divergence arose because the Western
Church was assimilating the behavioral norms of its newly converted peoples,
including the WEMP. By the eighth century, those peoples were dominant within
the Western Church and able to push Christian practice in certain directions,
particularly postponement of marriage and marriage outside the kin group (Frost
2017). The tail began to wag the dog.
Sources of
et al. (2019) seem to have been inspired by earlier work by Steven Heine and
Joseph Henrich (who is one of the co-authors). Curiously, no references are
made to the literature on the WEMP, not even to the work by John Hajnal. Less
curiously, they pass over the more speculative work by myself, hbd chick, and
Kevin MacDonald (Frost 2011; Frost 2017; hbd chick 2011; hbd chick 2012; hbd
chick 2014; MacDonald 1990; MacDonald 2011). To the best of my knowledge, Kevin
was the first to notice an apparent relationship between northwest Europeans,
Western Christianity, and certain psychological and behavioral characteristics.
This is evident in his 1990 article and even more so in his 2011 one:
nuclear family, freed from extended kinship obligations, is the basis of
Western social organization. It is unique relative to other culture areas. This
pattern is particularly noticeable in the Northwest of Europe rather than the
Pontic steppe region. As one goes from the Northwest of Europe to the
Southeast, there is an increase in joint family structure, with brothers living
together with parents, grandparents and children. Family historian John Hajnal
discovered the "Hajnal line" that separates Western Europe from
Eastern Europe, the former characterized by nuclear family structure,
relatively late marriage and large numbers of unmarried in economically
difficult times, the latter by joint family structure and relatively early and
universal marriage.
suspect Schulz et al. (2019) had read material by all three of us. I base my
suspicion partly on their use of certain terms and expressions and partly on
their references, particularly the curious reference to Claude Lévi-Strauss as
an authority on kinship. An American anthropologist would normally cite Lewis
Henry Morgan or Robin Fox. I like to cite Lévi-Strauss partly because I was
trained at a French-language university and partly because he was, in a sense,
my academic grandfather, being the dissertation supervisor of my dissertation
supervisor.He was also the first to come
up with the concept of gene-culture coevolution, but that fact is poorly known
even among francophone anthropologists.
does it matter? The important thing is to put new ideas into circulation.
J. (1965). European marriage patterns in perspective: essays in historical demography.
In D.V. Glass and D.E. Eversley (eds). Population
in History. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, pp. 101-143.
H.E. (1985). Age at first marriage and age at death in the Lincolnshire
Fenland, 1252-1478. Population Studies
39(1): 55-69.
C.A. (2010). Transgressing the Boundaries
of Holiness: Sexual Deviance in the Early Medieval Penitential Handbooks of
Ireland, England and France 500-1000. Theses. 76.Seton Hall University https://scholarship.shu.edu/theses/76
ritual (Wikipedia - Idries Shah). There
is a correlation between autism and antibodies for Candida albicans. Does a
pathogenic strain of this yeast promote the development of autism? Cui bono? In
my previous posts I've argued that certain pathogens have acquired the capacity
to manipulate human behavior. Humans are an interesting target for several
The human mind oversees an extensive range of complex behaviors
Humans are long-lived, thus providing a useful vehicle for spreading to other
potential hosts.
Humans have particularly long generation times and are thus less able to
develop resistance to short-generation pathogens, which can more easily
“outmanoeuvre” the evolution of human resistance.
animal hosts in general, behavior can be manipulated by many pathogens,
including fungi. Fungi seem to be better able than viruses and bacteria at
producing and coordinating the array of chemicals needed for the targeted neural
tissue. One of them may be Candida, a
genus of yeasts that most often live in the gut but can be found elsewhere in
the body. In particular, there seems to be a connection between their presence
and the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD):
aimed to determine if children with ASD exhibit elevations in antibodies that
target C. albicans, indicating
current or previous overgrowth of this fungal species. [...] Plasma anti-C. albicans antibody positivity was
found in 36.5% (19/52) of children with ASD. Anti-C. albicans antibodies in typically developing controls was (14.3%;
4/28). Overall, ASD children had a higher rate of high-positive values compared
to typically developed children with an unadjusted odds ratio of 3.45 (95%
confidence interval, 1.0409 to 11.4650; p = 0.041, two-tailed). (Hughes and
Ashwood 2018)
above study takes the line that Candida
albicans is a "passive commensal" that "under certain
conditions [...] is capable of transitioning to its pathogenic and invasive
fungal form" (Hughes and Ashwood 2018). In reality, C. albicans encompasses a variety of strains, some of which live
more as a commensal and others more as a pathogen:
intra-species analyses of C. albicans
isolates revealed extensive variation between strains, both at the genotypic
and phenotypic level. Substantial genomic differences were observed between the
set of 21 clinical strains and included single nucleotide polymorphisms,
inversions, copy number changes, LOH events, and whole or partial chromosomal
The phenotypic plasticity of this species has long been recognized, and our
studies reveal the genetic differences underlying phenotypic differences are
due to a variety of mechanisms, of which LOH and aneuploidy are major
contributors. Furthermore, we uncover a genetic polymorphism responsible for
altered phenotypic behavior, including a change in the balance between
commensalism and pathogenesis. (Hirakawa et al. 2015)
strains of C. albicans have evolved
the capacity to adhere to neural tissue:
ex vivo adhesion assay was used to examine adhesion of Candida albicans yeast cells to brain tissue of the primate Macaca mulata. Tissues from frontal
lobes and striatum (caudate, putamen, and portions of the globus pallidus) were
used in the assay. Yeast cells adhered to gray matter at about six times the
level of adhesion to white matter. The fungus was able to bind to different
cell types within the cortex, basal ganglia, and white matter. Binding to
neurons, small neurons or glia, endothelial cells, and neuropil was observed.
(Denaro et al. 1995)
What's in it for
the pathogen?
is the weakest link in the argument for behavioral manipulation. How does
autism benefit the pathogen? Does it help Candida
spread to another host? If not, where is the benefit? People have speculated
about the evolutionary advantage of autism, but only from the standpoint of the
affected person. Perhaps a low dose makes one more inventive and creative
(Pickard et al. 2011). Perhaps it gives rise to the "autonomous
imagination" of shamans:
“autonomous imagination” [is] a framework for cross-cultural interpretations of
inner experience such as dreams, waking visions, trance, spirit possession and
mediumship, and shamanistic and meditative states.
Autonomous imagination is characterized by: a) being more freely and richly
inventive than ordinary thought; b) emerging into conscious awareness in the
form of vivid hallucinatory imagery which is experienced as an external
reality; c) possessing a more extensive access to memory; d) exhibiting a
special sensitivity to external cues and direction which enables communication
to and from deeper levels of the mind, while bypassing conscious awareness,
and; e) possessing a capacity to influence somatic and intrapsychic processes
usually beyond conscious control (Stephen and Suryani 2000)
through their prestige and reproductive success, may have favored a predisposition
to autism in the gene pool. This hypothesis assumes that autism is mainly due
to a genetic predisposition, i.e., that autism is highly heritable. In fact,
heritability is "moderate": 37% for autism and 38% for autism
spectrum disorder (Hallmayer et al. 2011). As with male homosexuality, it looks
like something in the environment is interacting with a genetic predisposition.
we take the pathogen's standpoint, we must ask how an autistic person might
become an interesting means to spread from one host to another. One possibility
is the shaman's role as a community healer. Certain healing practices involve
intimate contact. In particular, a shaman's phlegm may be thought to contain
the essence of his power.
shaman also has a magical phlegm called yachay,
lodged in his stomach, which gives him the ability to blow away evil and to
such out the sorcery objects (virote)
that cause certain forms of illness. (Gow 1996, p. 93)
targeting people who are likely to fill the position of community healer, a
pathogen could greatly increase its opportunities for transmission.
Parting thought
example suggests that the evolution of behavioral manipulation can involve more
than a pathogen and a host. It may also require a genetic predisposition and a
cultural context that create opportunities for behavioral manipulation.
F.J., J.L. Lopez-Ribot, and W.L. Chaffin. (1995). Adhesion of Candida albicans
to brain tissue of Macaca mulata in an ex vivo assay. Infection and Immunity 63(9): 3438-3441. https://iai.asm.org/content/iai/63/9/3438.full.pdf
M.P., D.A. Martinez, S. Sakthikurmar, M.Z. Anderson, A. Berlin, S. Gujja; et
al. (2015). Genetic and phenotypic intra-species variation in Candida albicans.
Genome Research 25: 413-425. https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4352881
(Wikicommons – NIH). Some human populations have become resistant to this
bacterium; others have not. Could the same be true for pathogens that
manipulate human behavior?
are behavioral creatures par excellence. Our brains oversee a large repertoire
of behaviors, each of which is vulnerable to manipulation. We can be
manipulated by psychological means, like the parasite who lives off the
altruism of others.There's also
ideological manipulation.
then there's hardwired manipulation—an organism enters your mind and rewires
some of its circuitry. That kind of manipulation is poorly known. We know a lot
about short-term infections that make you sick. We know much less about
long-term infections where the pathogen hangs around in your body without
triggering an immune response. There’s no fever, no rash, no abscess. Yet it
may be doing something to the most important organ of your body, perhaps to
increase its chances of spreading to another host. Not surprisingly, the
adverse effects become worse when you're no longer of much help. It no longer
has anything to lose from trashing its host.
if a pathogen is screwing with your mind, the symptoms will be especially
severe in two cases:
You’re approaching the end of your life. The pathogen has less incentive to
keep you healthy. You’re also less active socially and sexually, and thus less
useful as a vehicle for transmission to other hosts.
The pathogen is spreading out of its original host population and into new
hosts that have not had time to develop resistance to its worse effects
post is about the second case. You pay a cost when a pathogen monkeys around
with your mental circuitry. Over time, there will be selection for humans who
better resist such manipulation. Eventually, an equilibrium is reached: the
pathogen still screws around with your mind, but the negative consequences are
kept to a minimum. In most cases. And until it spreads to people who have no
latter situation has been covered by a recent review article:
[...] the effects of susceptibility and
virulence alleles in the respective gene pools of humans and pathogens are
often contingent upon each other. The evolution of virulence is a dynamic
process, easily perturbed by extrinsic variables over space and time, and
therefore unlikely to follow the same trajectory in every population. [...]
Whether the result is a steady-state equilibrium due to a perpetual "arms
race" or a commensal detente, the same genes and pathways are unlikely to
be involved in every population. As a consequence, when humans and pathogens
migrate to new environments or admix, the ensuing disruption of co-evolutionary
equilibria and loss of complementarity between host and pathogen genotypes may
yield unpredictable and potentially deleterious biomedical consequences.
(Kodaman et al. 2014)
authors cite the example of Helicobacter
pylori, a bacterium that lives in the stomach lining. It is a risk factor
for gastric cancer, but the level of risk varies according to the population it
of human or H. pylori genetics in
isolation have generally failed to explain why populations with similar rates
of H. pylori infection exhibit
strikingly different susceptibilities to gastric cancer. For example, in many
African and South Asian countries, the low incidences of gastric cancer in the
presence of almost universal rates of H.
pylori infection remain a source of much speculation, and have been
referred to collectively as the "African enigma" and the "Asian
enigma" [...] In Latin America, where H.
pylori strains native to Amerindian populations have been largely displaced
by European strains [...], the predominantly Amerindian populations living at
high altitudes suffer disproportionately from gastric cancer relative to other
populations with similar infection rates [...]. These and other points of
evidence raise the possibility that the pathogenicity of a given H. pylori strain may vary with human
genomic variation, and that some individuals may be better adapted to their
infecting strains than others. (Kodaman et al. 2014)
sexual behavior
thus differ in their virulence from one human population to another. The same
should be true for those pathogens that manipulate human behavior to
improve their chances of spreading from one human to another. For them, our
most interesting behavior is sex, and the most interesting human populations are
"leaky" polygynous ones with high rates of
infidelity. In that kind of context they can spread rapidly from one household to
rates are highest among the tropical farming peoples of sub-Saharan Africa
(Dalton and Leung 2011; Pebley and Mbugua 1989). Traditionally, 20 to 40% of
all marriages are polygynous, and most women live in polygynous households. Not
surprisingly, many men, particularly young men, are single. Their opportunities
for sex are limited to rape, affairs with the wives of other men, or abduction
of women during times of war:
the more men are polygynous in a given society, the greater the age difference between
husbands and wives. [...] The temporary celibacy of young men in polygynous
societies is rarely absolute, however. While it often postpones the
establishment of a stable pair-bond and the procreation of children, it often
does not preclude dalliance with unmarried girls, adultery with younger wives
of older men, or the rape or seduction of women conquered in warfare. Thus,
what sometimes looks like temporary celibacy is, in fact, temporary
promiscuity. (van den Berghe 1979, pp. 50-51)
Cuckold envy: a
case of behavioral manipulation?
is the environment in which a sexually transmitted pathogen can leapfrog from
one polygynous household to another. The main obstacle is male jealousy and
male "guarding behavior." The pathogen can increase its chances of
transmission by disabling mate guarding or, better yet, reversing it. This kind
of host manipulation has been shown in a non-human species: male isopods no
longer guard their mates when they get infected by a certain parasite (Mormann,
a human context, a pathogen may reverse male jealousy and make its host want to
be cuckolded, as a means to gain access to more hosts (Frost 2013). Many sexual
fetishes are mentioned in ancient writings: pedophilia, cunnilingus, fellatio, and
bestiality, but not cuckold envy. The oldest mentions go back to seventeenth-century
England (Kuchar, 2011, pp. 18-19).
a sexually transmitted pathogen came to England from West Africa during the
early days of the slave trade. Such a pathogen would have evolved in a context
where most women were in polygynous marriages and where cuckoldry was the main
route for invading one set of wives after another. Meanwhile, the human hosts
may have evolved some kind of resistance, perhaps through “overwiring.” Or
perhaps a certain level of cuckoldry became socially accepted. No such
resistance, however, had evolved in England or elsewhere in the Western world.
time goes on, we will discover that many STDs have evolved a capacity for
behavioral manipulation, specifically by making the host either more
promiscuous or less jealous.
G. (2001). Rhetoric, Anxiety, and the Pleasures of Cuckoldry in the Drama of
Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton. Journal
of Narrative Theory 31(1): 1-30.
K. (2010). Factors influencing parasite-related suppression of mating behavior
in the isopod Caecidotea intermedius, Theses
and Dissertations, paper 48 http://via.library.depaul.edu/etd/48
A. R., and W. Mbugua. (1989). Polygyny and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. In
R. J. Lesthaeghe (ed.), Reproduction and
Social Organization in Sub-Saharan Africa, Berkeley: University of
California Press, pp. 338-364.
den Berghe, P.L. (1979). Human Family
Systems. An Evolutionary View. New York: Elsevier.
I was really
(2016), by Judith Carlin. A fungus may live in your brain for years while meddling
only as much as necessary with your neurons. Beyond a certain age it gets less
benefit and has less incentive to keep you mentally healthy. One result may be Alzheimer's.
manipulation has been perfected by many organisms: viruses, bacteria, worms,
and insects. Fungi, however, seem to be the champions:
probably represent a special case study in this general field because of several
unique factors peculiar to this Kingdom. The first and most prominent is the
range and complexity of behavioral manipulation by fungi of arthropods. [...]
It is difficult and perhaps futile to rank manipulation across different
kingdoms of life and argue that fungal manipulation is more complex than that
observed when the manipulator is in the Kingdom Animalia (eg, trematodes).
However, what is clear is that the diversity of strategies is greater than that
observed in other groups. In addition, it is evident that behavioral
manipulation has arisen multiple times independently. (Hughes et al. 2016)
probably heard about "zombie ants." A fungus invades an ant's brain
and makes it leave its nest, climb up a plant, and fix itself in place with its
mandibles. The fungus then kills the ant, and a fruiting body sprouts from
behind the ant's head and showers spores onto the forest floor below.
are other examples. A fungus invades the body of a flying insect and causes a
hole to form on the side of the abdomen. It then releases spores through that
hole while its host is flying. The infected body gradually falls apart, except
for its nervous system and its wings. Is the insect still alive? Not really.
The bits and pieces that remain have become extensions of the fungus (Hughes et
al. 2016).
fungi imitate the smell or visual appearance of a sexually receptive female to
lure male insects, who then become infected (Hughes et al. 2016).
the above cases, the fungus mutilates and kills its host in ways that are not
only ghastly but also easy to observe and study. But what about the more subtle
cases where the host's behavior is simply altered? Those are the ones we know
much less about. Our knowledge is biased toward the most obvious cases of
infection. As Greg Cochran observed:
most conspicuous transmission chains occur when disease manifestations are
externally apparent in a high proportion of infected individuals, when they
occur soon after the onset of infection, and when contact between infected and
susceptible individuals is easy to observe. Under these circumstances chains of
transmission are apparent through everyday experience. (Cochran et al. 2000)
when we can detect the presence of a pathogen, the causal link with certain
effects is far from obvious because the effects are either subtle or long-term:
are often classified as relatively harmless or even commensal without
sufficient long-term study to warrant such a classification. The historical
record illustrates the consequences of this error. Epstein-Barr viruses and
human papillomaviruses were once thought of as relatively harmless on the basis
of their linkage to relatively benign diseases that occur soon after infection
(infectious mononucleosis and warts respectively). But each virus can cause
lethal cancers. Bacteroides was once thought to be a harmless commensal, but
recent evidence indicates that it may be linked to ulcerative colitis. (Cochran
et al. 2000)
slowly developing diseases are probably of pathogenic origin. This seems
especially the case with various forms of senile dementia. The pathogen targets
your brain and gains some benefit while you’re still socially and sexually
active. At that stage, it’s living in a commensal relationship with you and
confines its neuronal meddling to the minimum necessary. Beyond a certain age,
however, it gets less benefit from you and has less incentive to keep you
mentally healthy. One result may be Alzheimer's:
possibility that Alzheimer's disease (AD) has a microbial aetiology has been
proposed by several researchers. Here, we provide evidence that tissue from the
central nervous system (CNS) of AD patients contain fungal cells and hyphae.
Fungal material can be detected both intra- and extracellularly using specific
antibodies against several fungi. Different brain regions including external
frontal cortex, cerebellar hemisphere, entorhinal cortex/hippocampus and
choroid plexus contain fungal material, which is absent in brain tissue from
control individuals. Analysis of brain sections from ten additional AD patients
reveals that all are infected with fungi. Fungal infection is also observed in
blood vessels, which may explain the vascular pathology frequently detected in
AD patients. Sequencing of fungal DNA extracted from frozen CNS samples
identifies several fungal species. Collectively, our findings provide
compelling evidence for the existence of fungal infection in the CNS from AD
patients, but not in control individuals. (Pisa et al. 2015)
is a late onset disease. What is the fungus doing to your brain during the long
time when you’re not mentally impaired?
example may be multiple sclerosis:
biomarkers of MS are consistent with fungal infections, such as IL-17,
chitotriosidase, and antibodies against fungi. Dimethyl fumarate (DMF), first
used as an industrial fungicide, was recently repurposed to reduce MS symptoms.
Its mechanisms of action in MS have not been firmly established. The low risk
of MS during childhood and its moderate association with herpes simplex virus
type 2 suggest genital exposure to microbes (including fungi) should be
investigated as a possible trigger. (Benito-Leon and Laurence 2017)
D.P., J.P.M. Araujo, R.G. Loreto, L. Quevillon, C. de Bekker, and H.C. Evans.
(2016). Chapter Eleven - From So Simple a Beginning: The Evolution of
Behavioral Manipulation by Fungi. Advances
in Genetics 94: 437-469. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0065266016300049
D., R. Alonso, A. Rabano, and I. Rodal. (2015). Different Brain Regions are
Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer's Disease. Scientific
Reports 5(15015) https://www.nature.com/articles/srep15015
Courtyard with
Francisco Goya (1746-1828). Why is HIV much more likely to cause cognitive
impairment in the body of a gay man than in the body of an intravenous drug
user? Has an unknown pathogen been caught in the dragnet of AIDS studies?
last post focused on certain discrepancies in data on AIDS victims: as
antiretroviral therapy becomes more widespread, there has been a decline in
opportunistic infections, but the decline hasn't been the same for all
pathogens. In particular, some brain infections have shown modest declines or
no change at all.
an unknown pathogen been caught in the dragnet of AIDS studies? This pathogen
would coexist with HIV only because it, too, is associated with the gay
lifestyle. It would not be a "cofactor" that makes the HIV infection
worse. In fact, it probably precedes the HIV infection by many years. This
unknown pathogen may target certain sites in the brain of its host early in
life in order to change his sexual orientation and thereby increase its chances
of transmission to another host. It thereafter remains in the background until
its host has reached an age when he ceases to be useful. The pathogen is then
no longer penalized if it causes damage to surrounding neural tissues. Various
neurocognitive disorders could therefore develop in its host from late middle
age onward.
AIDS in gay men
and intravenous drug users
post will focus on discrepancies in data from two other papers. The first one
is a study of AIDS victims in the Italian city of Bologna. Some of them
contracted AIDS via homosexual/bisexual behavior, and some via intravenous drug
use. One finding strikes me as unusual: "Compared with injecting drug
users, homosexual/bisexual and heterosexual participants had ORs of 9.6 (95%
CI, 2.2-42.7) and 6.3 (95% CI, 2.2-18.3), respectively, for cognitive
impairment" (De Ronchi et al. 2002).
other words, when the researchers looked at AIDS victims, they found that
cognitive impairment was ten times more strongly associated with homosexuality/bisexuality
than with intravenous drug use. That finding is curious because the ratio of
ten to one doesn't correspond at all to the ratio of homosexuals/bisexuals to
intravenous drug users among Italian AIDS cases. In fact, intravenous drug
users made up about 60% of those cases in 1997 (Wikipedia 2019). The Bologna
study took place between 1994 and 1997.
is HIV much more likely to cause cognitive impairment in the body of a gay man
than in the body of an intravenous drug user? Do druggies take better care of
their mental health? The evidence actually suggests the reverse: HIV-associated
dementia seems to progress more rapidly in intravenous drug users (Bouwman et
al. 1998). The latter finding also points to a qualitative difference between
the two groups: dementia seems to develop more slowly in gay men.
second paper is a review of studies on HAND [HIV-associated neurocognitive
disorders]. It notes that HAND can develop even in individuals on HAART [Highly
active antiretroviral therapy] with no detectable traces of HIV:
21% [of individuals in the CHARTER study] developed HAND despite effective
HAART (although the precise number who were aviremic is unclear). Similarly, in
a cohort of individuals with AIDS, 21% of aviremic individuals (who also had
undetectable CSF HIV RNA) progressed to HAD [HIV-associated dementia]. A third
prospective study also identified HAND in 8-34% (depending on the time point of
the assessment) of aviremic patients without comorbidities and with a nadir CD4
cell count less than 200 cells/µl (McArthur and Brew 2010)
authors suggest that HIV can produce irreversible neural damage that becomes
noticeable only much later in life. Well, perhaps. Nonetheless, it seems to me more
parsimonious to postulate a second pathogen.
Parting thoughts
HIV does cause cognitive impairment. The Bologna study showed a strong
association between HAND and low white cell counts. But it looks like a certain
proportion of HANDs are due to a cause that exists independently of HIV
note: I'm not arguing that HIV is interacting with an unknown pathogen to cause
cognitive impairment. I am arguing that these two pathogens impair cognition
independently of each other and in different ways. They share only one thing in
common: they have a much higher incidence among gay men than in the general
I'm not arguing that this unknown pathogen is the only cause of male
homosexuality. There are likely multiple causes. In a nutshell, male
homosexuality seems to be due to a genetic predisposition interacting with
something in the environment. The genetic predisposition is a
smaller-than-average neuronal population that promotes a heterosexual
orientation. Normally, natural selection keeps it from falling below the
threshold needed to sustain attraction to women. Certain environmental agents,
however, can cause this neuronal population to fall below the threshold:
fraternal birth order effects, stressful events during pregnancy, exposure to
environmental estrogens during childhood, and, yes, a pathogen.
don't know whether my views on the "gay germ theory" are consistent
with Greg Cochran's. I hope he will deign to provide his comments.
F., R. Skolasky, D. Hes, O. Selnes, J. Glass, T. Nance-Sproson, W. Royal, G.
Dal Pan,and J. McArthur. (1998).
Variable progression of HIV-associated dementia. Neurology 50(6): 1814-1820. https://insights.ovid.com/article/00006114-199806000-00048
for 1997 World AIDS Day (Wikicommons - Neil Curtis, Christian Michelides).
Antiretroviral therapy has reduced infections in AIDS victims, but the decline
hasn't been the same for all pathogens. Some infections
have shown modest declines or no change at all. Could they be due to the "gay germ"?
homosexuality has low to moderate heritability (30 to 45%). A recent study in
the UK Biobank and 23andMe has identified a number of genetic variants associated
with same-sex sexual behavior. Together, they account for 8 to 25% of variation
in male and female same-sex behavior (Ganna et al. 2019). There is thus a
genetic predisposition, but it's weak and may simply reflect a smaller
population of neurons for heterosexual orientation.
this genetic predisposition seems to be interacting with something in the
environment. But what?
may be different environmental factors. One possibility would be a pathogen
that alters its host's sexual orientation in order to enhance its chances of
spreading to other hosts. This is Greg Cochran's "gay germ" theory
(Cochran et al. 2000).
the introduction of antiretroviral therapy for AIDS, we may have a chance to
identify candidates for the "gay germ." Over time this therapy should
reduce the incidence of infections in AIDS victims. Indeed it has, but the
decline has been uneven.A retrospective
study of AIDS autopsies in Vienna between 1984 and 1999 found a lower rate of
decline for infections due to fungi and most bacteria than for infections due
to protozoa, viruses, and mycobacteria:
protozoal (Pneumocystis carinii, toxoplasmosis), Mycobacterium avium complex,
viral [e.g., cytomegalovirus (CMV)], multiple opportunistic organ and CNS
infections, and Kaposi sarcoma significantly decreased over time. There was
less decrease in fungal infections, while bacterial organ and CNS infections
(except for mycobacteriosis), lymphomas, HIV-associated CNS lesions (around
30%), non HIV-associated changes (vascular, metabolic, etc.) and negative CNS
findings (10-11%) remained unchanged. (Jellinger et al. 2000)
findings are in line with those of a retrospective study of AIDS autopsies in
San Diego between 1982 and 1998:
carinii pneumonia and Mycobacterium avium complex decreased, whereas bacterial
infections increased and the frequency of fungal infection remained unchanged
over time. (Eliezer et al. 2000)
the lungs, such pathogens most often target the brain:
study suggests that despite the beneficial effects of antiretroviral and
anti-opportunistic infection therapy, involvement of the brain by HIV continues
to be a frequent autopsy finding. (Eliezer et al. 2000).
to a recent autopsy study from San Diego, these data suggest that despite the
beneficial effects of modern antiretroviral combination therapy, involvement of
the brain in AIDS subjects continues to be a frequent autopsy finding.
(Jellinger et al. 2000)
Subjects with brain alterations at an early stage otherwise seemed almost normal:
the cases with early brain alterations, systemic opportunistic infections were
present in only 5.9% of the cases, neoplasms in 0.5%, and neoplasms and
opportunistic infections in 1.7%. (Eliezer et al. 2000)
A few caveats
change in incidence over time partly reflects differences between
fast-developing infections and slow-developing ones. By definition, people
succumb more quickly to the former than to the latter. When antiretroviral
therapy was still unavailable those infections were the ones that generally
killed people with AIDS. Better control of aggressive infections may have also created
a better environment for the growth of less aggressive infections.
But ...
is harder to explain why the brain should remain a major pathogenic target. It
is especially hard to explain why subjects with brain alterations at an early
stage otherwise seemed almost normal.
et al. (2017) pointed out another apparent contradiction: HIV-associated
neurocognitive disorders (HAND) are continuing to develop in people whose HIV infection is under control.
the brain infection taking place in the days after primary infection, the
development of HAND takes years. As an explanation for this ostensible
contradiction, it has been suggested that initially, the brain infection is
relatively well controlled, while later, there is a quantitative and
qualitative breakdown of immune control in the CNS (Eggers et al. 2017)
authors have suggested co-infection by the Hepatitis C virus, but Eggers et al.
(2017) ruled this out:
some authors implicated HCV co-infection in the pathogenesis of HAND, a recent
large and well-controlled study found no evidence for worse cognitive function
in HCV co-infected patients, at least in the absence of liver dysfunction.
(Eggers et al. 2017)
we be looking at an unknown pathogen that exists independently of HIV? Over the
years some have suggested that HIV is not the only pathogen involved in AIDS.
In this case, pathogen "X" may cause adverse effects that get blamed
on HIV, but its relationship with HIV is incidental, the only common
denominator being the gay lifestyle.
would propose the following scenario. Pathogen "X" enters its host
early in life, just in time to alter that person's psychosexual development.
From then on it remains in the background and reaps whatever benefit it gets
from its behavior manipulation. Past the age of 40 the host becomes less
useful, and the pathogen begins to cause more adverse effects, including
neurocognitive disorders that are wrongly attributed to HIV.
"X" is most likely a fungus. If we go back to the two retrospective studies,
the fungal infections were the ones that seemed the least influenced by the
introduction of antiretroviral therapy.
C., G. Arendt, K. Hahn, K., I.W. Husstedt, M. Mashke, et al. (2017).
HIV-1-associated neurocognitive disorder: epidemiology, pathogenesis,
diagnosis, and treatment. Journal of
Neurology 264: 1715-1727 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-017-8503-2
A., K.J.H. Verweij, M.C. Nivard, R. Maier, R. Weddow, et al. (2019).
Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex
sexual behavior. Science 365(6456) https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6456/eaat7693
K.A., U. Setinek, M. Drlicek, G. Böhm, A. Steurer, and F. Lintner. (2000).
Neuropathology and general autopsy findings in AIDS during the last 15 years. Acta Neuropathologica 100(2): 213-220. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10963370
L'homme n'est ni ange ni bête, et le malheur veut que qui veut faire l'ange fait la bête — Pascal
Welcome to my blog! For the most part, this page will be an extension of my website, with comments relating to my research. But it will also branch out into more general discussions of human evolution.
Since November 2022 I've been publishing my posts at Peter Frost's Newsletter on Substack. These are longer posts that expand on earlier material I've previously published at Evo and Proud. I'm also contributing articles to Aporia Magazine.